Nagpur: ‘Ravan Dahan’, the biggest and most popular event being organized on the occasion of Dussehra every year will be held at Kasturchand Park (KP) in Nagpur on Wednesday, October 5, after a gap of two years. Sanatan Dharma Yuvak Sabha, Nagpur, has been organising a grand Ravan Dahan programme at the Kasturchand Park ground for the past 70 years, which has carved a distinct identity in the cultural events of Nagpur City.
A meeting of Sanatan Dharma Yuvak Sabha was held at Kadbi Square based Sanatan Dharma Bhavan and information about the event was given. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, the Ravan Dahan event could not be organised at the KP ground for the past two years.
In the meeting, the responsibility of Dussehra Committee President was given to Milan. The temporary office of Dussehra Mahotsav will be inaugurated at Kasturchand Park at the hands of social worker Urmiladevi Agrawal. The meeting was attended by Prannath, President of Sanatan Dharma Youth Sabha and General Secretary Sanjeev Kapoor, and other members of the Sabha.
Notably, giant effigies of Ravan, Kumbhakaran and Meghnad were burnt at the ground with panoramic fireworks and colourful cultural programmes being the centre of attraction every year. It is counted among the largest cultural events of Central India in which lakhs of people from Nagpur and surrounding rural parts gather to see.