Nagpur: In major grab, a bike-borne goon snatched gold chain worth Rs 2 lakh from an aged woman in front of an apartment in busy Dhantoli locality on Sunday night. The victim woman originally hailed from Haryana and had come to her relatives staying in Dhantoli. Cops are searching for the chain-snatcher.
The complainant, Chanderrani Suresh Chaudhary (66), native of 1343, Sector No. 4, Gurugram, Haryana but currently staying at her relative Rakesh Nangia’s house, Vighnaharta Apartment, Tikekar Road, Dhantoli, was strolling and talking on mobile phone with her relatives in Haryana in front of Vighnaharta Apartment around 915 pm on Sunday.
At the same time, an unidentified goon, aged 25-30, riding a motorcycle, stopped near Chanderrani and in a flash snatched her gold chain worth Rs 2 lakh and fled the spot even before she could raise alarm.
Dhantoli police constable Dinesh, based on complaint of Chanderrani Chaudhary, booked the unidentified chain-snatcher under Section 392 of the IPC and searching for him.