Nagpur: In two incidents of robberies reported under Ganeshpeth and Dhantoli Police Station jurisdiction, some unidentified bike-borne miscreants reportedly targeted two pedestrians and snatched away their two mobiles collectively worth Rs 39,000 here on Tuesday night. Cops have registered cases under Sections 392, 34 of the IPC in both the cases and have launched a probe into the matter.
A 20-year-old Rani Dilip Pathankar, a resident of Babulkheda, Ajni was walking home with her friend on Tuesday evening. When the duo was crossing Patbandhare Office under Dhantoli Police Station, two miscreants on Splender bike (sans number plate) approached them and zoomed away after snatching her mobile phone. Following which, she approached Dhantoli Police Station with a complaint.
Similarly, complainant Rajan Kruplaal Tomsakar (43), a resident of Medical TB Ward Quarter No 8/4 Dhobi Chawl was taking a walk in the vicinity while talking on his Vivo phone on Tuesday night. At around 10.45 pm, when he was crossing Agyaram Devi Chowk under Ganeshpeth Police Station, two bike-borne miscreants approached him and snatched away his mobile phone worth Rs 30,000.