Nagpur: A 32-year-old man on a two-wheeler fell down and got injured after being hit by a Tata axle vehicle. The injured biker has been identified as Mannu alias Vivek Raju Ryatwar (age 32, Res. Pande Vasti, Yashodharanagar). He along with his friend in pleasure car number M. H. 31, s. W-9410 was going through Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Chowk Road.
Tata Axle Car No.M. H. 40, B. The driver of L-0370 drove the vehicle in his possession at high speed and carelessly and hit their car. He fell down and injured his leg, hand and face. He was treated in a private hospital.
Based on his complaint, the Yashodharanagar police have registered a case under section 279, 337 against the accused driver and started investigation.