Miley Cyrus sported skin-baring outfits on the MTV Video Music Awards stage on Sunday. As Billy Ray Cyrus watched his daughter, it was a dillema for the spectators to wonder what dad thinks of his daughter’s fashion statement but he did open up about Miley’s sexuality.
“We’ve always been very open-minded,” Billy Ray said at the event. “Listen, it’s all about love and light. Forget the negativity and the haters.”
Few people may detest Miley for her outragious ways, Billy Ray sees her as a unique eprsonality stating that embracing everyone’s differences is necessary. “She’s rocking, rolling and having a good time,” he added. “What the world needs is love. There’s too much hate…The world needs positive influences.”
Miley, in the October issue of Elle UK , affirmed herself as “pansexual”, meaning she is attracted to both men and women equally.
“Since she was a little girl, we told her, ‘Hey, baby, do what you do and have fun doing it. Do it because you love it, not because you have to,’. Billy Ray said. “Seeing her happy is the greatest thing ever.”