Nagpur News: BJP celebrated its foundation day at Tilak Putla, Mahal office of the party. It began with Gadkari who unfurl the party flag. Ex-MP Banwarilal Purohit, party veteran Balwant Dhoble, MP Ajay Sancheti and local MLAs with huge BJP partyman were present.
Earlier the function to felicitate RSS pracharak-turned BJP organizer Sanjay Joshi on his 51st birthday has been cancelled. The function which was to held in the city on Saturday had been planned by Sanjay Joshi Mitra Parivar.
Invitation cards had been sent out and also hoardings hailing BJP’s most sought after back room boy had come up in the city, but his friends said the function would not take place ‘due to unavoidable reasons.”
As expected the event had sparked political controversy and was being seen as a move to provide a comeback platform for Joshi who had been ousted from party posts last year after being rebuffed by Gujarat strongman Narendra Modi. Ever since Joshi has been keeping a low profile and spending time networking in New Delhi, it is learnt.