BJP MLA Ganesh Joshi attacked a police horse as the BJP high voltage protest against Uttarakhand Chief Minister Harish Rawat took a violent turn.
The BJP MLA got carried away and lathicharged the horse as other protesters also joined in.
However, Joshi later defended his action, saying the horse was not given water throughout the day. “As soon as some water was given to the horse he was fine, he was just thirsty. I am not at fault at all,” he said.
“It is seen in the video footage that the horse was hit by the MLA (Ganesh Joshi),” Dehradun SSP Sadanand Date said.
As a result, the horse was injured and taken to a veterinary hospital for treatment.\
“The horse injured by BJP MLA Ganesh Joshi was taken to Indian Military Academy’s Veterinary Hospital,” Dehradun SSP said.
“The metatarsal bone of the horse’s left leg has broken,” Dr. Negi Veterinary doctor who is treating the horse at Police Line said.
“Doctors are saying that the horse’s leg will have to be amputated. Case will be filed against the BJP MLA,” Dehradun SSP added.
The incident of animal cruelty has sparked a war of words between the Congress and BJP in the state.
“You are using lathi on a horse? I think the word “tolerance” is not there in the dictionary of BJP,” Uttarakhand CM Harish Rawat said.
We can’t confirm if the BJP MLA beat up the horse for being ‘anti-national’.