Nagpur: The BJP MLA from Bhandara, who has been booked by cops on the charges of slapping a policeman, shamelessly tried to justify his behavior by saying that his action was reaction to the policeman’s action. The Bharatiya Janata Party MLA Ramchandra Punaj Avasare was caught on camera on Wednesday night slapping a policeman. Avasare, who was earlier in Shiv Sena fold, acted the Shiv Sainik way forgetting he was now in a party “with a difference.”
As a matter of fact, the BJP MLA had taken out a ‘Tiranga Yatra’ on Wednesday from Bhandara. The Yatra was to culminate in Tumsar. During the Yatra, the driver of the MLA was stopping midway and clicking photos of the event by mingling in the participants. This act of the driver was irritating the policemen on security duty. The policeman Raju Sathavane had an exchange of words with the driver and could possibly be telling him to stop clicking photos in the middle of the Yatra. This action of the policeman, it seems, did not go down well with the MLA.
On the other hand, Avasare accused Sathavane of slapping his driver instead of polite words. After the rally was over, the MLA came to know about the “behavior” of Sathavane and he walked towards Police Station and slapped the policeman “in a fit of anger.” And he has no regrets about it, too. The MLA is lawyer by profession and still took the law into his hands.
At present, the ‘victim’ policeman has lodged a complaint with Tumsar Police Station. According to police, the driver was under the influence of liquor and was “advised” not to create nuisance.
In the video the BJP leader is seen walking towards a police station and slapping the cop present there. The incident grabbed the space in social media and the video went viral.