Nagpur: In a run up to Lok Sabha polls and ensuing assembly elections in Maharashtra, the BJP is set to consolidate its position from all possible ends. Now in a major show of strength around 5,000 delegates from across the country, mainly elected representatives right from civic bodies, state legislatures and Parliament, will arrive here for a three-day national convention of Bharatiya Janata Party’s scheduled caste wing beginning on Friday.
While national executive meeting of the Anusuchit Jati Morcha will be held on Friday at MLA hostel, the convention will be inaugurated on Saturday at Vasantrao Deshpande hall grounds by Union transport minister Nitin Gadkari. Chief minister Devendra Fadnavis will be the chief guest at the valedictory function in the evening. The convention will conclude on Sunday morning.
City BJP president Sudhakar Kohale said 21 committees were formed and each has been assigned different functions for smooth conduct of the convention, which is to conclude with a public rally at Kasturchand Park on Sunday from 3pm. Ostensibly, issues related to the backward classes will be taken up at the convention.
Morcha’s national president Vinod Sonkar, MP, Union social justice minister Thavarchand Gehlot and several other BJP leaders from backward classes will guide the meet. Kohale said over a lakh people are expected to attend the public rally on Sunday, but party president Amit Shah, who was to be the main speaker, may not come as he is down with swine flu and was hospitalized on Thursday in Delhi.