Nagpur: Virendra Kukreja, BJP Corporator and former Standing Committee Chairman, accused of atrocity in the wave of Jaripatka violence, has approached session court for anticipatory bail. Kukreja has been accused of outraging modesty of women and other sections under IPC and SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) and was booked by Jaripatka Police in the aftermath violence that occurred here, on Sunday.
Kukreja’s lawyers Uday Dable and Praful Mohgoankar had filed an appeal for anticipatory bail; however, the court did not provide interim relief. The next hearing in the case will be held on March 3.
Notably, BJP and Congress workers engaged in a clash following a tiff in Jaripatka area on Sunday morning. While BJP has accused congress workers including Babu Khan and others of vandalizing Kukreja’s office; Congress, on the other hand, has accused Kukreja of outraging modesty of Dalit women.
An offence against both the parties has been lodged with Jaripatka Police.