Nagpur: In a clear gesture to flex political muscles to influence the decision of Nagpur Improvement Trust, Vice President of BJP West Nagpur Unit Deepak Girhe is out to save his building from getting demolished by hook or crook. As NIT issued notice to demolish the building that currently houses Mankapur police station, Girhe has been throwing all his might to evade the action. He even went on to say publicly that he would get his building regularized by the civic body. However, eyebrows have been raised over Girhe’s claim that he would regularize the plot. Citizens have questioned that how could he get the plot regularized after the construction without permission. He should have done it earlier before erecting the building, added a citizen.
He said had it been for a common man the construction would not have been regularized.
A section of media previously reported that the G+2 floor building in Zingabai Takli ward, from where Girhe’s wife Sangita is the corporator, was built without getting building plan sanctioned. Also, the plot on which it is constructed was yet to be regularized under the Gunthewari Act. Despite it being unauthorized construction, the police department entered into an agreement with Girhe for three years and started Mankapur police station there. Guardian minister Chandrashekar Bawankule inaugurated the police station on August 15.
Following the media blitzkrieg, NIT issued notice to Girhe to demolish it within 30 days. Divisional officer from NIT West division Niyaz Ali also confirmed this to a newspaper. “Notice was issued 20 days ago under Section 53 (1) of Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning (MRTP) Act. Building is unauthorized as it has been constructed without any approval of building plan,” he said.
Girhe claimed, “I have submitted all documents required. There is no need to demolish the building as it will be regularized. Police station will continue to function from here.”
Girhe added actually he helped the community by constructing and renting out the building to police department.