Nagpur: The activists of BJP’s South-West Nagpur have decided to mark the birthday of senior BJP leader and Union Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari by dishing out some concrete work. The unit will desilt the historic Sonegaon lake to mark the birthday of union transport minister Nitin Gadkari. The aim is to increase the storage capacity of the water body by removing the silt. The drive will be carried out between May 21 and 28.
Addressing media on Wednesday, Sandip Joshi, ruling party leader in NMC, appealed to the citizens to participate in the exercise. “We will not limit the exercise to this period. Until Sonegaon becomes 100% full, we will continue to desilt it. Ground water expert Chetan Gajbhiye and his team will do ground water survey of the lake,” he added.
Sonegaon lake has been cleaned up three to four times in the past. Still, the lake becomes completely dry in the summer. It is obvious that unless it is completely desilted, the problem will not be solved. Another problem is that the natural sources of the lake have been destroyed. Moreover, the tank wall has developed several fissures and water leaks from there. Joshi said due to these reasons, desilting of the lake would be done scientifically.
The BJP leader said a farmer near Hingna has offered to take ten trucks of silt from the lake. “Seven poclanes, four to five JCBs and 30 to 40 tippers will be used for the desilting operation,” he added.
Meanwhile, lake activist Gopal Thosar is going door to door to appeal people to go in for rainwater harvesting. “If the ground water table increases in the area, Sonegaon lake will continue to exist,” Joshi said adding that BJP activists would join Thosar in his campaign