Mumbai: Continuing its attack on the ally Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Shiv Sena mouthpiece Saamna on Monday compared BJP with Congress stating that similar to Congress that previously won elections without any work, BJP is going through a similar phase. Sena’s attack on BJP came after the latter performed well in the recently conducted Municipal Corporation elections and emerged as the single largest party in Latur and Chandrapur Municipal Corporation.
Commenting on BJP’s victory, the editorial stated that,” There was a time when the Congress used to win the election n Maharashtra as well as in the country despite zero work. Seems like BJP is going through a similar phase in the state with the party being able to win elections despite no development done by them.” Since independence, the Latur Municipal Corporation has been ruled by the Congress but in the recently conducted elections, the BJP emerged as the single largest party in the corporation and won 36 out of the 70 seats in the corporation.
“Zero in development, hero in ballot boxes”
The editorial further states that apart from Latur Municipal Corporation, BJP received public support in Chandrapur and Parbhani Municipal Corporation and was successful in emerging as the single largest party in Chandrapur Municipal Corporation.
“Out of the three Municipal Corporation, BJP emerged as the single largest party in Chandrapur and Parbhani Municipal Corporation whereas the Congress won the Parbhani Municipal Corporation,” the editorial said.
Questioning the victory of Congress in Parbhani, the editorial said, “What has the Congress done in Parbhani that the voters chose the party again? The victory of Congress in Parbhani is similar to the victory of BJP in Chandrapur and Latur. Both the Congress and BJP are zero in development but hero in ballot boxes.”
Predicting the winning streak of BJP to continue for a while, the editorial said that “Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis are displaying ‘magic tricks’ to the voters.
The voters will keep on voting for the party till they are engaged in their tricks. It is the ‘beauty of democracy’ that BJP will continue to gain public votes despite other parties continuously working for the development of the state.”