Image Credit : Swethakumar Rangarao
Nagpur/Tadoba: A rare black panther was spotted at the Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve in Maharashtra recently. When a Belgian diplomat and his family spotted the wild animal at Shivanzari in Kolsa range of the reserve, and clicked pictures.
Belgian trade commissioner Jean-Francois Aernouts first sighted the Black Panther at a waterhole in Kolsa range.
Today on June 6 Swethakumar Rangarao, a tourist spotted Black panther in the same Kolsa range of Tadoba.
Excited Swethakumar posted Images of his facebook page with Caption:
It’s no illusion it’s real and the Kolsa Black panther is here to stay .
6 th June2018 an unforgettable day in my life.
Kolsa range Tadoba
* Black panther in Asia and Africa is actually the black leopard (Panthera pardus), and the one in the US is black jaguar (Panthera onca)
* A black panther is the same species as a normal-colored panther with a high amount of pigment (melanin) causing the animal to appear to be black. Melanism occurs because of a recessive gene mutation.
* The condition is caused by agouti gene which regulates distribution of black pigment within the hair shaft.