Nagpur: Two unidentified burglars struck at a factory and decamped with 435 kg of black pepper (kali mirch) worth over Rs 2 lakh. The theft occurred in Kalamna area here on Wednesday noon. No arrest has been made in the case so far.
The East Wardhaman Nagar resident Rajesh Gowardhan Daga (48) owns a factory named Aditya situated at Plot No. 11, behind CIPS School, Kapsi in Kalamna area. Around 12.20 pm on Wednesday, two unidentified burglars cut the lock of girder and gained entry into the factory. The two miscreants laid their hands on 435 kg of black pepper and decamped with the stuff worth Rs 2.05 lakh.
Kalamna PSI S M Sonparote has registered a case under Sections 454, 380 of the IPC and searching the thieves.