Nagpur: Priyadarshini Indira Gandhi College of Engineering organized one day Blood Donation Camp during its annual gathering PACE 2k18 in collaboration with Jeevan Jyoti Blood Bank recently. The camp was formally inaugurated by Dr. R. M. Dhoble, Principal of College, Dr. B. C. Burande, PACE 2k18 Incharge, Prof. V. Kesalkar- Dean Academics and Prof. U. B. Malkhandale, Prof. S. Jawale, Prof. A. Gawarle, Dr. D. V. Hardas-HOD’s of various departments along with other faculty members.
The event was coordinated by Dr. V. V. Soman. Faculties of college took the lead by donating blood which motivated the students to come in flocks to donate their precious blood to save the lives of the needy. About 90 students along with volunteers of the event donated their blood during the camp. At the conclusion of the camp Principal, Dr. R. M. Dhoble appreciated the donors for donating the blood & congratulated the organizers for successfully organizing the camp. At the end vote of thanks was extended by Prof. Munibh Ahmed, member blood donation camp.