Nagpur: Tightening the noose around the accused involved in the infamous Bhupendra Singh Manmeetsingh Makan alias Bobby Sardar murder, the Unit 5 of the Crime Branch on Friday, arrested fifth accused Bittu Bhatia, who was misleading the investigators.
With Bhatia’s arrest, who is a property and auto dealer, the number of arrested so far in the case have reached to five. Though, accused Manjeet Wade and others are still absconding.
According to sources, Bhatia provided white Innova car to Honey Chandok on the instructions of Little Sardar. Bhatia was known for his close relation with Little. In 2016, Bhatia was allegedly involved in a gang war between Little Sardar and Bhullar Gang. Both the gangs faced MACOCA that year.
According to police, Shailendrasingh Gurucharansingh Lohia alias Little Sardar (43), Gurmeetsingh alias Babuwachansingh Khoakr (56), Harjeet Singh alias Sittu Gurucharan Singh Gour, Maneendersingh alias Honey Harjeendersingh Chandok have admitted to their involvement in the murder of Bobby Sardar.
During the investigation, cops went through various CCTVs footage where Bobby had visited before getting kidnapped. Following the primarily information and clues, Jariptaka police along with Crime Branch (detection) Unit investigated the matter and arrested four accused. It is believed that cops would soon put Wade too behind the bars. It is reported that the police may slap stringent charges of MACOCA on all the accused in the case.