Nagpur: Following the PCR of the prime accused Kailash Adatdas Rakheja in the selling of bogus gulab jamun mix case, crime Branch Unit 3 of city police arrested two more people on the charges of manufacturing bogus packs of Instant Gulab Jamun of renowned Chitale Foods Company and selling the spurious gulab jamum mix products to other retailers.
The accused have been identified as Deepak Kanaihyalal Talreja (36) resident of Jaripatka and Rajesh alias Saint Dharamdas Lakhani (30) resident of Mekosabagh.
All the accused clandestinely fabricated packs of Instant Gulab Jamun of the popular Chitale Foods Company and prepared duplicate jamun mix products. These bogus products were then sold to other retailers in the name of the Chitale Foods Company and thus defamed the reputed company.
The accused Kailash was arrested on Feb 8 and produced in a court which remanded him to police custody.
The arrest was made on the basis of a complaint lodged by Amol Bhaurao Chavre (38) resident of Vasant Nagar, Juna Babulkheda, Ajni and Area Sales Manager, Chitale Bandu Mitahiwale, Pune.
Along with the raw materials, cops have seized goods worth Rs 1,73,585 on this occasion.
All the accused has been booked under section 420, 468 of the IPC read with section 51, 68 of Copy Right Act.