Nagpur News : Two days after a young woman hanged herself, Sonegaon police has booked her boyfriend for abetment of her suicide. Akhsay Nagarkar, a resident of Pune, had allegedly reneged from marriage promise made to her girlfriend Ankita Bharadwaj. Under depression of her break-up with Nagarkar, Ankita killed herself at her new Narendra Nagar residence on July 30.
She had written the suicide note two days before taking the extreme step. Police told that the note has every detail about why Nagarkar ended his love affair with her. She had mentioned in the note that Nagarkar was cheating her and had started avoiding her.
Police had also read some painful and rude SMSes sent to by Nagarkar to Ankita, before she commits suicide.
Ankita’s relative Shailendra Singh Chavhan has claimed in his police complaint that Nagarkar was torturing her to end the love affair going between them. On the basis of suicide note and SMSes, police has booked him on Friday morning.