It appears nothing is working out for Kapil Sharma at the moment. After suffering setback on professional front after his comedy show went off air following his ill-health, Kapil has now parted ways with his fiancee Ginni Chatrath have reportedly parted ways. A source close to the comedian said that one of Kapil’s female co-stars is to be blamed for the break-up. “This team member has been working against Kapil’s interests all the time. But he refuses to hear a word against her. He is so emotional that he won’t accept that someone so close to him can betray him and work against his interests,” the source added.
The source also said that Kapil was also linked to his co-star previously. “When rumours linking Kapil to this team member – spread by the team member herself – gathered momentum, Kapil thwarted those rumours by announcing his marriage plans with Ginni. Now even that is off. This team member makes sure to isolate Kapil and everyone who comes close to him,” the source said.
Kapil Sharma announced he’s dating Ginni Chatrath in March this year with this tweet:
Will not say she is my better half .. she completes me .. love u ginni .. please welcome her .. I love her so much:)
— KAPIL (@KapilSharmaK9) March 18, 2017
Last week, Kapil Sharma talked about the recent controversies regarding his show, his health and fight with former co-star Sunil Grover. He had said, “Main thoda phisal gaya ttha. Abb sambhal gaya hoon (I slipped now I’ve regained composure).” Of his fight with Sunil Grover, Kapil said that most of the stories were ‘grossly exaggerated.’ He said: “I admit there was a problem. And I’ve paid a heavy price for it.”
Kapil Sharma debuted in Bollywood in 2016’s Kis Kis Ko Pyaar Karoon and his second film Firangi is scheduled for release in November.