Nagpur: Sensation and fear looms large over Gopal Nagar as a 23-year-old youth was savagely murdered in the area on Thursday afternoon. The assault was reportedly a fall out of an allegedl love affair. According to police sources, the deceased, Kartik Salvi was having love affair with a sister of the accused.
The accused previously had arguments couple of times with Kartik who was warned to stay away from the girl. However, he ignored the warning and continued to meet her. Fumed over this, the accused decided to eliminate Kartik.
On Thursday afternoon, Kartik was riding back to home on his two-wheeler when the accused zoomed from behind and hit Kartik with iron rods. The impact was so severe that Kartik lost balance and fell on the road. Following the incident, some locals alerted Pratap Nagar police which rushed Kartik to nearby hospital where doctors had pronounced him dead.
In the meantime, cops have booked the accused on the charges of murder and started the probe.