Nagpur News : Grabbing opportunity of a clean burglary, thieves looted booty worth Rs 1.10 lakh when an elderly couple were off to Bilaspur to attend some function. Sonegaon said, the theft must have occurred between March 31 and April 2.
As per the data provided by police, Ranjit Kumar Nakuleshwar Bose (71), a resident of H B Estate, near Shiv Mandir, left for Bilaspur with his wife on March 31. Meanwhile, burglary entered the house by breaking open the lock. The thieves looted Rs 28,000 cash and gold ornaments collectively worth Rs 1.10 lakh. Ranjit Kumar was stunned to discover the theft after they returned to city on Wednesday.
On the basis of the complaint lodged by Ranjit Kumar, Sonegaon police registered an offence under Sections 454, 457, and 380 of the IPC.