Nagpur News: In the ever increasing house-breaking incidents, the burglars struck a house and got richer by Rs 2,68,000.
According to police, the theft occurred between 1800 and 2230 hours of Tuesday (September 3). The victim house owner Yogesh Ramesh Tichkule (36), resident of Nalode Layout, behind Padole Hospital, Gopal Nagar, along with family, went to the house of some relatives. At the same time, thieves struck their house by breaking open door lock and robbed the owner Tichkule of bounty worth Rs 2,68,000 including cash of Rs 70,000 and gold ornaments. Yogesh Tichkule reported the theft incident to Pratap Nagar Police Station. The PSI Shende booked the unidentified burglars under Sections 457 and 380 of the IPC and is searching for the criminals.