Nagpur: Burglars struck at a mobile shop and a house in different areas and decamped with booty including mobile handsets, laptops, jewelleries collectively worth over Rs 4 lakh. No arrests have so far been made in the crimes.
In the first case, the complainant Mohd Komel Mohd Arif Ajani (33), resident of Chhapru Nagar, Plot No. 273, and owner of Ali Samsung Electronics mobile shop, closed his establishment on Tuesday night and went home. Between 9.45 pm and 10.30 am of Wednesday, unidentified miscreants broke open the shutter of the shop and decamped with 12 Samsung mobile handsets, two laptops collectively worth Rs 2,04,174.
Lakadganj PSI U S Rathod, acting on a complaint of Mohd Arif Ajani, registered an offence under Sections 454, 457, 380 of IPC and searching for the offenders.
In another case, Nikhil Pranay Raut (26), resident of Plot No. 23, Bezonbagh, locked his home and left for a programme along with family. Taking advantage of the situation, unidentified burglars broke open the main door lock and entered into the house between 11.30 pm of Wednesday and 0015 hours of Thursday. The thieves laid their hands on gold-silver ornaments, laptop, watch and other stuff totally valued at Rs 2,08,450.
Jaripatka PSI A Y Bakal has booked the unidentified burglars under Sections 380, 457 and searching for them.