Nagpur News: The Tehsil police have booked an unidentified goon for looting a two-wheeler owner of Rs 1,42,000.
According to police, Bhagchand Hazarimal Dadwani (48), a resident of Bank Colony, Jaripatka, owns a shop near Nanga Putla in Itwari. At about 8.30 pm, he parked his Activa in front of his shop Vishal Trading Store and went to his shop as a customer had approached him and asked for a rate of a stuff. Bhagchand went to his shop to verify the rate and got busy in telling the rate of the stuff to the customer. But he committed a terrible mistake of keeping the keys of Activa’s dicky dangling with the dicky itself.
A burglar on the prowl, immediately went to the Activa and opened the dicky. To his pleasant surprise, the dicky was containing Rs 1,42,000. The thieve swept the dicky and fled the spot, richer by the bounty. Bhagchand went to his Activa and was shocked to find the cash missing. Bhagchand lodged a complaint with the Tehsil police in this connection. PSI Kondawar has registered an offence against the unidentified criminal and is probing the matter further.