Nagpur: A handbag containing gold ornaments and cash collectively valued at Rs 3.60 lakh was stolen from Lamba Celebration Lawn in Yashodhara Nagar police area on Wednesday afternoon. Cops have mounted a hunt for an unidentified juvenile boy and three other persons involved in the crime.
A resident of Plot No. 626, Vinayak Apartment, New Subhedar Layout, Manjusha Chandrakumar Bhagat (52), in her complaint to police said that wedding of her daughter was being solemnized at Lamba Celebration Lawn on Wednesday. Between 2.30 and 3.30 pm, Manjusha sat on a sofa in front of the stage. She had kept the handbag containing gold ornaments, a mobile phone and Rs 2.20 lakh cash on a nearby sofa. As she was busy meeting guests, the accused 14-year old juvenile boy and three other accomplices stealthily lifted the handbag and vanished from the scene.
Yashodhara Nagar API Khandare has registered a case under Sections 380, 34 of the IPC and launched a search to nab the four accused.