Jaipur: Giving some embrassing moments to the Prime Mininster Narendra Modi’s Swachch Bharat Abhiyaan, a minister from the BJP-ruled Rajasthan government has been caught in camera while he was relieving himself on the wall. Not only this, when the minister in question, who is interestingly state’s Health Minister Kalicharan Saraf, was asked about this, he tried to skip the point saying that it was not a big issue. The picture was clicked in Jaipur where Saraf was caught urinating on the wall.
The picture comes as the Jaipur Municipal Corporation is working hard to bring the city on the top charts under the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.
According to rules, those urinating on roads are asked to cough up fine of Rs 200.
He declined to comment to the media, saying he doesn’t want to talk on this topic as it is not a big issue.
The incident comes days after Kota BJP leader Ashok Choudhary wrote to BJP President Amit Shah, voicing dissatisfaction with the Vasundhara Raje government. This was followed by an audio clip going viral in which BJP MLA Gyandev Ahuja is heard asking for a leadership change.