Mumbai: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probing a corruption case against former Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh, has detained his advocate in the case on Wednesday. CBI questioned Anil Deshmukh’s lawyer Anand Daga over alleged subversion of preliminary enquiry against the former minister informed Officials associated with the case. He was later allowed to leave informed sources.
The CBI is questioning the advocate about Deshmukh. There was a report that the CBI had also detained the former minister’s son-in-law in the case, but they denied it.
Former Mumbai police commissioner Param Bir Singh alleged that then home minister, Deshmukh, had asked police officer (now dismissed) Sachin Waze to illegally collect Rs 100 crore from bar owners in the city every month for him. Deshmukh also repeated the demand after calling DCP Raju Bhujbal and ACP Sanjay Patil at his official bungalow.
The CBI is also investigating a report of the former chief of State Intelligence Department, Rashmi Shukla, where she had recorded the phone conversation of some influential persons who were promising desired posting to police officers, including IPS, in exchange for money.
Based on the CBI FIR, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) has also registered a money laundering case against Deshmukh and arrested his PS and PA in the case. The ED officials are searching for Deshmukh from the last two months to record his statement in the case, but in vain.