New Delhi: CBI has forwarded Delhi Police’s request for the issuance of Red Corner Notice against arms dealer Sanjay Bhandari to Interpol.
Bhandari, accused of scams during the UPA tenure in India, has been found to be hiding in London.
A news channel report reveals that Bhandari had escaped despite 2-3 lookout notices filed against him.
Bhandari has allegedly played the role of a middleman in many deals during the 10-year rule of the UPA government, which include the much controversial Pilatus deal.
According to reports, the Income Tax department had registered a case against Bhandari under the Black Money Act. Another case had been lodged against him by the Delhi Police under the Official Secrets Act. The Enforcement Directorate is also known to have registered a complaint against him for money laundering.
And while there are 3 big cases pending against him, it is unsure as to who helped him sneak from the country and into England and what route he had taken to reach his destination.