Nagpur News.
The students of class 12th studying in CBSE schools, particularly those preparing for Joint Engineering Examinations (JEE) online, are in for a pleasant surprise after the CBSE come flexible on the students and allowed them to decide the exam slots of their wish, in view of their examination dates clashing with the JEE online exam.
The dates of JEE Main are reportedly clashing with CBSE class 12th examination. Keeping this in mind, the Central Board of Secondary Education has now given full freedom to the candidates to change their exam slots if the exams dates appear to be coinciding.
The JEE online examination is scheduled to take place on 9th April, 11th April, 12th April and 19th April between 9.30 am to 12.30 pm.
However, Mala Chembath, Principal of Narayana Vidyalayam at Chinch Bhuvan informed though the dates of CBSE examinations are clashing with the JEE online examinations, these dates do not include the students from science or math streams. “11th and 12th April are the two dates of CBSE examinations coinciding with the JEE Main online examination but there is no paper of the students from science or math streams on these dates. On 11th April, students of Home Science and Kannada will have their examinations whereas on 12th April, examinations will be held for Philosophy and other subjects. So there is no question of applying for the change in slots as the science students will remain unaffected on these dates,” she told Nagpur Today.
Meanwhile, upon receiving some requests from the candidates regarding clash of dates of Board’s examination with the dates of Computer Based Examination of JEE (Main) 2014, the CBSE has asked the affected candidates to send a copy of their Class 12 admit card by e-mail on latest by 15th March. In addition, the candidates must not forget to mention their application number of JEE (Main) 2014.
JEE Main 2014 examination will be conducted on 6th April by CBSE. JEE Main is the qualifying entrance examination for admission to engineering / technology courses across the country in NITs, CFTIs and SFTIs.