Nagpur: Nearly 50% of the 36 lakh students for the CBSE’s Class X and XII final exams will write their exam in their own schools, the Board announced on Monday. The exams for the minor subjects will begin on November 16, while the major subjects will start on November 30, 2021. This is for the first time the CBSE will be conducting the Board exams in two phases — Term 1 and 2. The Board is also increasing the number of exam centres from 7,000 to 14,000.
The number of registered candidates has increased by nearly 4 lakh this year. While around 22 lakh candidates are expected to take the OMR-based MCQ Term 1 of the Class X exams, around 14 lakh have registered for the Term 1 of the Class XII final.
CBSE on Monday night released the dates of the major subjects of Class X and XII Board exams. Dates of the minor subjects will be provided to schools.