Nagpur: Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will certainly declare UGC-NET result July 2016 in November and most importantly, before the deadline to apply for NET 2017. The move would end the dilemma of thousands of aspirants who are crying foul whether or not they should register for NET 2017 without knowing their qualifying status for NET 2016.
It has rarely happened before that the NET organizing board, be it UGC or CBSE, hasn’t declared the result of previous exam before or at least along with the notification for the next. But as it happened this time, the scenario has caused confusion for candidates.
Of course, the holding of National Eligibility Test (NET) in Srinagar on August 28, nearly one a half month after the rest of the places (where it was conducted on July 10) has caused some delay but it’s imperative to think CBSE would let it affect the candidates from rest of the centres. Quite simply, the number of candidates from Srinagar is just over 10 thousand while over 6 lakh had appeared across the country. Out of the total, top 15% candidates in each subject and category will called NET qualified.
I am somehow inclined to think that the result of UGC NET/CBSE NET July 2016 examination will be declared in the first fortnight of November. The probability of results declaration in next 3-4 days is negligible considering the festive season but CBSE is most likely to announce UGC NET result 2016 in November first week. What is more troubling is that CBSE hasn’t notified the candidates about the delay.
Candidates may keep checking (official website) for their results. Watch this space too, in case any good news comes up.