Nagpur: In a significant boost to Union Minister Nitin Gadkari’s vision, the central government has allocated ₹2,500 crore for the long-delayed Nag River Pollution Abatement Project (NRPAP). The project, worth ₹1,927 crore, will be funded with 35% contribution from the state government and 60% from the central government.
The NRPAP aims to clean up and rejuvenate the Nag river, which has been severely polluted due to rapid urbanization and industrialization in Nagpur. The project will cover north and central Nagpur, strengthening the sewage network of localities surrounding the Nag and Pili rivers.
According to Superintending Engineer (Public Health Engineering, NMC) Shweta Banerjee, the procedure to appoint a project management consultant is currently underway. The Nag river, a tributary of the Kanhan river, has been facing severe pollution issues for decades, with untreated sewage and industrial waste being dumped into it, posing a serious health hazard to nearby residents.
This funding allocation marks a significant step towards realizing Gadkari’s vision of restoring the Nag river to its former glory.