Nagpur MP Vilas Muttemwar, when he was Union Unconventional Energy Minister, had selected Nagpur and Chandigarh for solar energy projects. Now, the picture at NMC will be different with solar panels occupying vantage points in the NMC building. The present streetlights will go to store rooms and in their place the LED lights will be installed which would run on solar energy. The solar energy will not only save electricity but will also beautify the Orange City in a sparkling way.
Nagpur News: The Second Capital City of Nagpur or Orange City is going solar and the Sun God Himself will directly brighten the city in dazzling and bright light. The Green, Clean Orange City will now be known as Solar City as the Central Government has granted Rs 1.90 crore to NMC for utilizing more and more solar energy in order to save electricity in massive proportions.
The solar energy will meet the ever increasing demand for electricity with speedy growth of Nagpur and flooding of small and big industries like Mihan project, SEZ, Cargo Hub, and other major projects. The Government is now focusing on utilization of solar energy as resources for electricity generation have been getting lesser and lesser day by day.
Nagpur is known for its scorching summer and bright sunshine almost the entire year. Nagpur MP Vilas Muttemwar, when he was Union Unconventional Energy Minister, had selected Nagpur and Chandigarh for solar energy projects. The Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) had forwarded a proposal to Central Government for utilizing solar energy for streetlights and installation of solar panel machineries in NMC itself. However, the proposal was gathering dust for many years. But when the NMC Commissioner Shyam Wardhane came to know of the proposal, he activated himself and reached Delhi and dug out the proposal for consideration of Central Government. Wardhane’s efforts hit the target and subsequently, Central Government sanctioned Rs 1.90 crore to the NMC for the solar energy project.
Now, the picture at NMC will be different with solar panels occupying vantage points in the NMC building. The present streetlights will go to store rooms and in their place the LED lights will be installed which would run on solar energy. The solar energy will not only save electricity but will also beautify the Orange City in a sparkling way. Moreover, the solar panels and solar water heater would be made mandatory in the apartment schemes having 100 or more flats. Nagpur is now-a-day witnessing great growth of multi-storied buildings like Empress City, Ananda and the likes. NMC would soon direct the builders to install solar water heaters in their multi-storied apartment projects. The Collector’s Office is already under solar energy.