Nagpur: Union Minister of India Nitin Gadkari launched a posters of Marathi movie ‘Jhing Premachi’ in Mumbai in presence of Film Director Shahid Khan, Dilip Gour (BJP President of North Nagpur), Producer Vijay Kumar Sapkal, Recently.
Actor Sandesh Gour who hails from Nagpur says, “It is a Romantic musical love story with title Jhing Premachi”.
Love is a universal language and the same could be witnessed in almost all the movies made across the world. Indian movies especially Hindi movies thrive on the emotion Love. People in love get so much engrossed in the feeling and with each other that they are unaware of the things happening around them. They get intoxicated with the emotion that they feel everyone around them is an angel and the world around them is beautiful. Taking this feeling of intoxication in love further a Marathi movie is being made with a title ‘Jhing Premachi he added.
Deepak (Sandesh Gour) and Jyoti (Sheetal Tiwari), are the main protagonist of the film and the story revolves around them.
Sandesh is also debuting as a director with this Marathi film. Also he has written the story, screenplay and dialogues of this movie. Since the movie is a musical love story, music plays an integral and pivotal part.
‘Jhing Premachi’ is releasing on 29th June 2018 all over Maharashtra