New Delhi: As part of ‘Unlock 1’, the Central government on Thursday released SOPs for the establishments that are all set to open from June 8. These guidelines, issued by the Union Health Ministry, are meant to contain the spread of coronavirus in shopping malls, workplaces, restaurants and places of worships during Unlock 1.
These guidelines, which will come into effect from June 8, include certain strict measures such as staggering visitors to malls and no touching of idols at religious places. Part of the guidelines, the Centre made it clear that all the establishments will open only in non-containment zones. Those coming under containment zones, however, will remain closed till further orders.
1) People who are above 65 years of age, people with comorbidities, pregnant women and children below 10 years of age should to stay at home and avoid coming out.
2) Social distancing norms of at least 6 feet to be followed as far as possible.
3) Using face masks should be made mandatory everywhere.
4) Practice frequent hand washing with soap should be followed for at least 40-60 seconds even when hands are not visibly dirty.
5) Respiratory etiquettes should be strictly followed everywhere.
6) No spitting in public places.
7) Installation and use of Aarogya Setu App must for all.
Guidelines for shopping malls:
1) The entrance of every mall should have hand sanitizer dispenser and thermal screening provisions for customers.
2) Only asymptomatic customers or visitors should be allowed inside the malls.
3) People with masks only should be allowed to the malls. Moreover, the face masks must be worn all times inside the mall.
4) Posters on preventive measures about COVID-19 must be displayed prominently at the malls.
5) Staggering of visitors should be done as far as possible.
6) Enough manpower must be deployed by the Mall Management to ensure social distancing norms inside the malls.
7) Separate entry and exits for visitors, workers should be made.
Guidelines for restaurants, hotels, hospitality units:
1) Takeaways should be encouraged and food delivery personnel should leave the packet at customer’s door. They should not handover the food packet directly to the customer.
2) The entrance at the hostel or restaurant should have mandatory sanitizer dispenser and thermal screening provisions.
3) Only asymptomatic staff and patrons should be allowed inside the hotels.
4) Sufficient manpower should be deployed by restaurant management for ensuring social distancing norms.
5) Maintaining social distancing of a minimum of 6 feet, when queuing up for entry and inside the restaurant as far as possible.
6) Instead of cloth napkins, use of good quality disposable paper napkins should be encouraged.
7) In the buffet service, social distancing norms among patrons should also be followed.
Guidelines for places of worship:
1) People using face masks only should be allowed inside the places of worship.
2) Shoes or footwear should be preferably taken off inside own vehicle.
3) People need to wash their hand and feet with soap and water before entering the places of worship.
4) Inside the temples, the seating arrangement should be made in such a way that adequate social distancing is maintained.
5) Touching of statues or idols / holy books should be avoided as far as possible.
6) In such places, the large gatherings or congregation continue to remain prohibited.
7) Recorded devotional music or songs may be played and choir or singing groups should not be allowed.
Guidelines For workplace:
1) Individuals coming to workplace must maintain a minimum distance of 6 feet as far as feasible.
2) Use of face covers/masks mandatory at workplace.
3) Practice of frequent hand washing with soap at least for 40-60 seconds must be followed at workplace.
4) Respiratory etiquettes should be strictly followed. This involves strict practice of covering one’s mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing with a tissue/handkerchief/flexed elbow and disposing off used tissues properly.
5) Installation and use of Aarogya Setu App must for employees at workplace.