Nagpur: In a high-profile case of cheating, Sitabuldi police have booked five persons including Chairman and Directors of a reputed land developer, builder and estate agents named Phoenix Infrastructure Pvt Ltd in the city for duping a Secunderabad-based Army officer to the tune of Rs 8.65 lakh in a land deal.
The Army officer Kamalesh Haridwar Sharma (44), resident of Headquarters 76, Infantry Brigade, Secunderabad negotiated a deal with Phoenix Infrastructures to purchase a plot of land in city. Subsequently, an agreement was signed with the firm and the plot was to be purchased in the name of Kamalesh Sharma’s wife Kalpana. Accordingly, the Army officer Sharma paid Rs 8,65,000 to Phoenix Infrastructure Pvt Ltd, located at 16, Kanchan Sarita Phoenix Tower, near Lokmat Square, Ramdaspeth, Wardha Road, Nagpur. However, the firm failed to honour its agreement and even did not return the amount to Kamalesh Sharma. The duped Army officer registered a case against the Chairman Ahmed Jivani, Managing Director Chandrashekhar, and three Directors Vijay Manikrao Gautam, Jitendra Nasine and Dilip Gadpayile of Phoenix Infrastructure Pvt Ltd in this connection.
PSI Puri, acting on the complaint, booked all the five accused under Sections 420, 34 of IPC and investigating the matter further.