Nagpur: Pushing various demands to the fore, over 1000 drivers and conductors of various buses plying in the city like Aapli Bus and Green Bus including the Red Bus drivers remained off roads on Tuesday. Morever the emergency bus services were also hit as the tyres of some buses that were parked outside depot for emergency trips in morning were punctured. Union Bhartiya Kamgar Sena, a workers’ unit of Shiv Sena, has submitted a charter of demands to NMC Commissioner. The Union has also warned of strike on Tuesday if the civic body and the state government do not meet the demands.
Currently all minimum wages and benefits are given in totality to public transport drivers and conductors , as per motor vehicle act. All operators and Labour Commissioner has verified and upheld the same is true and correct.
But Union BKS, Shiv Sena has demanded that driver and conductor of city buses to be shifted to Mumbai Act where in wages are higher.
It may be mentioned that Ministry of Maharasthra State Transport is held by Shiv Sena representative who would have to decide whether such category can be shifted as per rules or not they have to decide. And financial difference between the wage have to be provided by the state to the local bodies.
It may be mentioned that the bus strike at the time when 12th boards have started from Tuesday, the students are likely to be affected the most. About 1.6 lakh Nagpurians commute everyday through city buses.
The bus strike on Tuesday has badly affected the normal life. These services are covered under ESMA act which also covers medical and other such emergency services. As per the act, if Principal Sceretary Maharashtra clears the request of NMC Commissioner, the same may be implemented in few hours and Nagpur Police can order all to resume duty immediately.
NMC Sabhapti and Transport Manager has already given orders in writing to all operators to approach industrial court against illegal wrongful strike.
Meanwhile a section of bus operators have alleged that drivers and conductors are being misguided that they will get included in Mumbai Adhiniyam Category by way of strike