Nagpur: Setting the tone for the coming elections of Nagpur Municipal Corporation, the Nagpur City (District) Congress Committee will start distributing and accepting candidature forms from Gandhi Jayanti, October 2 to 15. The aspiring candidates candidates will be distributed the candidature forms and the same will be accepted during the perid.
The party said as per the directives of MPCC President Ashok Chavan and City Congress President Vikas Thakre, it will be ensured that justice is done to grassroots workers in distribution of candidature forms. The work of distribution and acceptance of candidature forms will be done at Devadia Congress Bhavan from 3 pm to 8 pm on the aforementioned dates. The accepted applications will be scrutinized and sent to MPCC for selection of candidates.
The aspiring candidates can obtain the forms by paying Rs 110 (Rs 100 for active membership and Rs 10 as cost of the form). The candidature forms are to be filled correctly with necessary documents, said a press release issued by Dr Gajraj Hatwar, Office Chief and General Secretary of Nagpur City (District) Congress Committee.