Nagpur: The Ajni-based Electric Loco Shed of Central Railway, Nagpur Division, undertook a cleanliness drive on October 1 and 2 as part of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Over 400 employees and supervisors of the Loco Shed participated in the cleanliness drive that was organized under the directives of Divisional Railway Manager Brujesh Kumar Gupta and Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer/TRS Namdeo Rabde.
The personnel were administered the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan oath on the occasion. During the drive, premises of Wardha End Yard, Nagpur End Yard, Store Depot, Pit Wheel Lathe and other areas were cleaned. Wild grass and bushes as well as useless material and scrap stuff were removed to clean the areas.
The cleanliness campaign was participated by Divisional Electrical Engineer Amit Gupta, Assistant Divisional Electrical Engineers R M Shrivastav, A K Grover along with the employees and supervisors of Ajni Electric Loco Shed.