Nagpur: The CM Chashak Kabaddi Tournament, being organised jointly by Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha and Lakshyavedh Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha, Narendra Nagar, will be held from December 21 to 25 in city. Around 70 teams of boys and girls will take part in the tournament to be played at Lakshyavedh playground.
The tournament will be inaugurated by the Guardian Minister Chandrashekhar Bawankule and Mayor Nanda Jichkar. Other dignitaries who will grace the event include BJP’s South West Guardian Rajiv Hadap, Nagpur District Amateur Kabaddi Association Preident Nago Ganar and Secretary Sunil Chitalwar. This information was shared at a press conference addressed by Tournament Convener Sandeep Joshi at SJAN’s Sports Press Club on Tuesday. Others present at the press meet include, South West Mandal President Ramesh Bhandari, Corporator Sandeep Gavai, Lakshyavedh Sanstha’s Secretary Sanjay Pavanikar, Bhushan Keskar and Ashish Pathak.
Joshi said the tournament has been recognised by Nagpur District Kabaddi Association and only the teams affiliated with District Associations will be given entry in the tournament. Four mat grounds have been prepared for the matches of the tournament which is being organised to mark birth anniversary of Atal Behari Vajpayee. District level 70 teams of boys and girls will participate in the CM Chashak Kabaddi Tournament, Joshi said.