Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis recently visited Jhulelal Institute of Technology for a noble occasion. The college donated school kits to dispossessed students at the hands of CM.
JIT has taken a small step to help girl students to complete their schooling under the project of “School Kit Distribution”. This will support children from rural areas, belonging to the families of daily wage laborer Below Poverty Line. A School Kit consists of a school Bag, six notebooks, pen, pencil, scale, eraser, sharpener and a geometry box (for classes 8th and 9th). Total 15 students from Lonara & Gumthala villages were benefited.
JIT has lend a hand to promote the education of deprived students specially girls from “Prakruti” Mahila Vikas Kendra Lonara. Suwarna Damle, Director, Prakruti was present on the occasion.
Mahesh Sadhwani, Chairman SSCT, Virendra Kukreja, Secretary SSCT, Pramod Pampatwar, Director Technical, Pramod Wairagade Director, Rajesh Tejwani, Director, Madhavi Wairagade Director –HR & admin, Dr SS Limaye, Principal, JIT extended their valuable guidance and support for organizing the programme.