Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal writes to PM Narendra Modi requesting him to end the the strike. “The Union government has all the powers over IAS officers. The gist of the letter says that Delhi is facing an unprecedented situation and the LG is refusing to intervene. He requests the PM with ‘folded hands’ to get IAS officers to end strike so work in Delhi can restart.
Vowing to continue the partys struggle till its demands are met, the sit-in protest at Raj Niwas by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and his cabinet colleagues entered its fourth day today.
The letter says that the central govt can exercise control over the LG. “This is why people have now started saying that the Central govt and LG are behind the strike,” the Delhi CM says in the letter.
He also listed out development projects that are allegedly stuck because of the ‘strike.’ “Only you or LG can end this strike,” Kerjiwal wrote.
Extending their support to Kejriwal and company, hundreds of AAP workers and leaders marched to the L-Gs house and raised slogans against Anil Baijal LG sahab, Delhi Chhodo (LG, quit Delhi).
Several regional parties, including the Trinamool Congress backed the protest.
Appealing the Centre to resolve the crisis immediately, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee tweeted, Elected Chief Minister must get due respect. May I appeal to the government of India and the LG to resolve the problem immediately so that people do not suffer.
Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD) leader Jayant Chaudhary also called the situation in Delhi a governance failure.
Former BJP leader Yashwant Sinha also joined the AAP workers during their protest on Tuesday. Had Atal Bihari Vajpayee been the PM, he would have ordered the Home Minister to open a dialogue with the elected CM, Sinha said.
The IAS officers working under the AAP government are on “strike” for over four months following the alleged assault on the chief secretary at the CM’s residence in February. Kejriwal claimed that due to the strike critical public work was being affected. The IAS officers’ association has maintained that no officer is on strike.