Nagpur: Bajaj Nagar Police have booked a 40-year-old man for allegedly raping his 37-year-old co-worker between October 2020 and February 27, 2021. The accused identified as Amardeep Krishnaji Mandpe, reportedly recorded the heinous act and later used the video clip to blackmail the victim, police said.
According to police sources, the accused Mandape had raped the woman back in October 2020. The accused also recorded the entire incident in his mobile phone. Mandape later used the recorded footage to blackmail the victim. Following which Mandape continued to force her till February this year. However, annoyed by constant torture the victim mustered the courage and approached Bajaj Nagar Police Station with a complaint.
Based on the complaint, cops have booked the accused man under Sections 376(1), 354(A), 323 read with Sub-section 66(E) of the IT Act. Further investigation is underway.