Nagpur: With wearing of helmets for two-wheeler riders and pillions made mandatory, the District Collector held a meeting with DCP Traffic Bharat Tangde and directed him to initiate steps against black-marketing of helmets by traders. The State Government has strictly enforced the rule of helmets in Nagpur city as well as other parts of the State.
For making the drive successful, the concerned authorities undertook a campaign and took action against hundreds of two-wheeler owners who were found riding the vehicles without helmets. With helments made compulsory, the sale of the stuff took a stallion jump and at the same time the black-marketing. At many market places, the metal is being sold at an exorbitant price.
This is looting of the vehicle owners, lamented some of the affected owners. Flooded with such complaints, the District Collector ordered the cops to act sternly against the traders who are found fleecing the customers.