Published On : Mon, Aug 25th, 2014

Colonel Sandeep Kumar takes over the command of Institute of Military Law

Col Sandeep Kumar

Brig DK Ahluwalia handing over the command of IML Kamptee to
Col Sandeep Kumar on Change of Command.

Nagpur News : At a function held with traditional military ceremonies in Institute of Military Law, Brig D K Ahluwalia handed over the command of the premier Institute of Military Law to Col Sandeep Kumar. Brig D K Ahluwalia now proceeds to Western Sector to take over another prestigious appointment of Dy Judge Advocate General in Western Command Headquarters.

Being a visionary, Brig D K Ahluwalia focused on enhancing the core competencies of the officers undergoing the various courses at Institute of Military Law. He prepared ready reckoners for Commanders and Staff Officers across the Indian Army to effectively handle disciplinary issues. In order to achieve the said objective  in  a short stint of one and the half years, under the aegis of HQ ARTRAC, he got published a book called “Guide on Military Law for Commanders and Regimental Officers” which is now considered as a bible for the Commanders and staff officers who are dealing with discipline cases.

He was also instrumental in conceptualizing of a training film made by Armed Forces Film Division on Court of Inquiry, Hearing of Charge and Summary of Evidence. The training film was recently released on 31 Jul 2014 by Lt Gen B S Sachar, SM, VSM** Chief of Staff, HQ ARTRAC and Maj Gen T Parshad, Judge Advocate General. It is a second such training film which was made after a period of nine years. The proactive measures taken by Brig D K Ahluwalia were with the objective to reduce litigation and capacity building of Staff Officers and Commanders. During the courses conducted under his aegis apart from theoretical tutorials, great emphasis was laid on the practical mode of learning wherein the student officers participated in conduct of moot court pertaining to Hearing of Charge, Summary of Evidence, Summary Trial and Court Martial proceedings. Brig D K Ahluwalia a prolific writer and an expert of Armed Forces Special Power Act and Operational Law has contributed military papers and projects on the subjects. He has recently authored an article “Institutionalizing Legal Support to Operational Army- A need of the hour” in Military Law Journal, Dec 2013. The article has generated a food for thought amongst rank and file of dovetailing Judge Advocate General Officers in operations.

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Brig D K Ahluwalia invited distinguished speakers and faculty to Institute of Military Law, some of such distinguished speakers were Ex Addl Solicitor General Mr Siddharth Luthra of Supreme Court of India, Dr Anuradha Saibaba of ICRC Regional delegation, New Delhi and Advocate P K Sathianathan. Under his stewardship the Institute was visited by dignitaries to include Ex Hon’ble Rajya Raksha Mantri Shri Jitendra Singh, Lt Gen Sanjeev Madhok, AVSM, VSM, GOC-in-C, HQ ARTRAC, Lt Gen B S Sachar, SM, VSM**, Chief of Staff, HQ ARTRAC, Maj Gen T Parshad, Judge Advocate General, Hon’ble Mr Justice Arun B Chaudhari, Judge, Bombay High Court, Nagpur Bench, Hon’ble Mr Justice M C Tahliyani, Judge, Bombay High Court, Nagpur Bench, Hon’ble Mr Justice Z A Haq, Judge, Bombay High Court, Nagpur Bench, Military Judicial delegation from Sultanate of Oman headed by Brig Hafood Bin Amour Al who have shown keen interest in sending their officers for undergoing course at Institute of Military Law.

Brig D K Ahluwalia a soldier at heart has put in commendable efforts for development of infrastructure at Institute of Military Law to include upgradation of student officers accommodation, guest rooms, religious institutes and class apart facilities to Other Ranks posted at Institute of Military Law. He was bestowed upon the responsibility to conduct the fourth JAG Departmental Reunion at Institute of Military Law and the enlarged Dy JAGs conference in MAY 2014 at a short notice of one month. The august gathering at the said function commended the planning and organizing ability of Brig D K Ahluwalia for conducting such a mega event in a splendid fashion at Institute of Military Law with a handful of officers.

Col Sandeep Kumar who assumes the coveted appointment of Commandant Institute of Military Law, Kamptee on 23 Aug 2014 has having vast experience in diversified appointments during his 25 yrs of long and distinguished service. He played a key role towards handling of legal affairs at Ministry of Defence as legal advisor for a period of five years in past.

Col Sandeep Kumar did his LLB from DAV College, Kanpur. He was commissioned directly in the 19th GRENADIERS REGIMENT of the Indian Army in the year 1989. After a short stint in Infantry, he was absorbed in the Judge Advocate General’s Department. During his illustrious and distinguished service of more than 25 years, he had held key legal appointments at various Command and Corps Headquarters. Prior to assuming the present appointment, he was Deputy Judge Advocate General of a Corps where he was rendering legal advice to General Officer Commanding and the Formation Commanders under the Corps Zone.

Col Sandeep Kumar has played key role in fair administration of justice at different levels in the Armed Forces. In his distinguished career he has been awarded with one Commendation Card from Army Cdr and one COAS Commendation Card
