Rakesh Bedi, a comedian-actor has claimed that he was duped by a fake army member when he tried to sell his apartment in Pune, an official said on Tuesday. The alleged army guy is identified as Aditya Kumar, who replied to an internet ad offering to purchase the actor’s apartment, according to a complaint filed by Bedi, 69, with the Oshiwara Police Station. The defendant phoned Bedi and said he wanted to purchase the apartment; they also decided on a price of about Rs 87 lakhs.
The prospective buyer, who also showed his identity card and other documents proving he was in the Indian Army, offered to pay from his ‘army account’ and asked Bedi to deposit Rs 85,000. Bedi fell for him as he had sold one of his properties to genuine defence personnel without any hassles.
Kumar even shared his account number with Bedi and sought a test transfer of Re 1, and after it was successful, he was asked to transfer Rs 50,000. Then he told the actor that he had transferred the amount back, but when Bedi said he had not received it, the accused gave evasive replies. He asked Bedi to transfer two amounts of Rs 25,000 and Rs 10,000 from his wife’s accounts which he did, but thereafter, the self-proclaimed army man Kumar stopped taking the actor’s calls.
Realising that he had been cheated by the so-called army man, Bedi finally lodged the police complaint on Saturday and further investigations are on, said the investigation officer.
Rakes Bedi is well known for his films like Mera Damaad and Chashme Buddoor. He has also been a part of popular TV sitcoms, including, Yeh Jo Hai Zindagi, Shrimaan Shrimati, Yes Boss, Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah and Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hain.