Mumbai: The Mumbai locals and long-distance trains are reportedly running late as the commuters staged a rail roko protest at the Vasind railway station in Mumbai on Saturday, December 9. Irked by the delay in the arrivals of trains, hundreds of commuters climbed down on the railway tracks and stopped the Mumbai local trains. Several trains are, reportedly, running 40 minutes late and trains are at a halt near Asangaon Railway station since morning. Soon after the rail roko protests, the RPF and GRP teams reached the spot.
The rail roko protest at the Vasind railway station, which has also delayed trains at the Central railway, started at around 7:14 AM and continued till 8:25 AM. The Central railway also appealed to the protesters to not halt the local train services as the trains were late due to heavy fog enveloping many parts if Mumbai and not technical glitches.
“Due to heavy fog, trains are running around 30-40 minutes late. Sincere appeal to commuters not to resort to unlawful means of rail roko. This will further delay the train operations, inconveniencing all,” a Central Railway spokesperson told Indian Express. He added that the dense fog in the suburban section is beyond Kalyan railway station. “Visibility is poor hence many trains are running late,” he said.
Complaining about the delay in trains, a commuter told TOI that the trains running late has become a “regular practice on the route”. The road transport has also affected due to the dense fog the Mumbaikars woke up to on Saturday morning.
On October 3, the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) halted trains during a ‘rail roko’ protest at Kalwa railway station, Mumbai, to demonstrate against the “casual approach” of Central Railway authorities towards the safety of suburban commuters. This came a few days after the Elphinstone stampede tragedy in which at least 22 people were killed and over 30 seriously were injured.