Nagpur: A con woman, posing as a customer, stole a gold Mangalsutra worth Rs 76,448 from Karan Kothari Jewellers, Sarafa Bazar, Itwari. Tehsil police have launched a search for the woman thief
On October 25 around 3.30 pm, the woman, aged about 30 years, came to the jewellery showroom posing a customer. She asked the salesman to show gold Mangalsutra. When the salesman displayed the boxes in front of her, she distracted his attention and stealthily stole a Mangalsutra worth Rs 76,448. On the pretext that her husband was standing outside, the woman burglar left the showroom. Later, the jewellery shop manager found the Mangalsutra missing from one of the boxes.
Tehsil police, following a complaint lodged by Tribhuvan Shyamsunder Sharma (40), a resident of Nawabpura, registered a case under Section 380 of the IPC and searching for the woman thief.