Maharashtra Chief Minister will be on a one-day tour to visit the heavily rain affected areas in Vidarbha on July 28. This battle or “cut-throat” competition is proving a headache for top Government officials in drawing the itinerary of the Chief Minister.
Nagpur News: The Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithiviraj Chavan’s one-day tour to visit the heavily rain affected areas in Vidarbha has triggered a sort of battle among people’s representatives to taking the CM to their respective constituencies. This battle or “cut-throat” competition is proving a headache for top Government officials in drawing the itinerary of the Chief Minister.
Vidarbha has battered and bruised by heavy to very heavy rains causing untold suffering to people of the areas, damaging various crops thus putting farmers to losses in crores, hundreds of houses have been left in precarious conditions, dozens of houses have collapsed etc. In simple words, total disaster, havoc.
Earlier, it was announced that the Chief Minister would be on a two-day visit to survey and inspect the most affected areas in Vidarbha. However, now there is a report that the Chief Minister is visiting for only a day on July 28. The CM was to tour first Chandrapur, Gadchiroli, Wardha, Amravati, and Nagpur Districts. But the people’s representatives from Gondia and Yavatmal too have been pressuring the CM to visit their constituencies. Gondia Lok Sabha Constituency is representated by Union Minister Praful Patel, and he is exerting more and more pressure on the CM to visit Gondia. Sources said, noe Gondia and Yavatmal could also be included in the itinerary of the CM.
Even though the CM’s tour is to survey the most affected areas by a helicopter the question is: How many districts the CM would cover in a single day? The concerned Government officials are in the “powerful” grip of dilemma over preparing the itinerary of the CM. The CM will not face any difficulties in the form of heavy fog even though it is raining in some affected areas where he would be surveying from a helicopter. The CM’s flight could be landed in Nagpur, Chandrapur, Gondia, Amravati, Yavatmal as these cities have airports.
Now, all eyes are focused on the CM’s visit and which people’s representative succeeds in taking the CM to his or her constituency. Which district is dropped from CM’s visit is also the topic of discussion.
However, the Chief Minister generally doesn’t inform about his tours. He suddenly and surprisingly decides to the tour. So he might tour Vidarbha for two-days i.e. Saturday and Sunday.